Volunteers are truly the heart of any nonprofit organization.
A nonprofit cannot thrive without a supportive membership and a corps of dedicated volunteers. Alpha Association of Colorado is fortunate to be blessed with both.
During our brief history as a chartered PBK alumni organization, we have grown in membership, in fundraising activities, and in the dollar amount of our graduate scholarships. Much has been done, and with the continuing support of our membership, much more can be done to help further the objectives of Phi Beta Kappa.
Sharing Your Time and Talents
Please consider sharing your time and talents to promote the ideals of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honorary society. Volunteer to serve Alpha Association of Colorado in any of the following areas:
- Membership
- Finance / Audit
- Fundraising
- Scholarship
- Programs
- Publicity
- Newsletters and publications
- Website
- Archives
- Chapter Liaison
- Alpha Networking
Send a short e-mail outlining your volunteer interests to board@pbkcolorado.org. Remember to include your contact information.